How You Can Last Longer During Sex - And Give Your Partner Maximum Sexual Pleasure!
If you're a man who wants to last longer during sex because you suffer from premature ejaculation, you'll be glad to know that this website has the simplest, easiest and most effective system for ending premature ejaculation you can find anywhere on the internet! With our help, you'll develop the power to last just as long as you want during sex. Together, we'll make sex into a truly satisfying experience for both you and your partner!This website is the beginning of your path to a great sex life, your best sex ever, in fact - with a huge increase in sexual pleasure for you and your partner! Imagine being able to give your lover all the pleasure she craves from sex - longer and longer every time you make love!
Total Control Over Your Ejaculation is Not Only Within Your Grasp - It's Easy To Achieve As Well!
The sad fact is that most men ejaculate far too quickly - within minutes of penetration, or even after just a few seconds of intercourse. But while this may give a man a good orgasm, it's almost certain to leave his partner unsatisfied, especially if she can reach orgasm through vaginal thrusting when it lasts for ten minutes or longer. She wants him to last longer during sex - probably much longer.When a man can't stop himself ejaculating he's not giving either himself or his partner the sexual pleasure they deserve. He doesn't enjoy the fantastic sensation of being inside his partner for very long, and she doesn't get the feelings of intimacy, love and connection which she craves during intercourse. Most women want their man inside them for as long as they need to get complete sexual pleasure. The only way this can happen is when he has enough control over his ejaculation to allow him to actually choose when to ejaculate.
Well, the good news for all men - you included! - is that there are some powerful but simple techniques which will help you learn how to develop complete control over your lovemaking and especially over your ejaculation, banishing the specter of premature ejaculation for ever!
If you're asking yourself "How can I last longer during sex?" what would you say if I told you that you could get complete control over your ejaculation within a few weeks, and then sex would last just as long as you wanted it to? Well, that's what you can do with the program on this website, where you will get effective techniques to control premature ejaculation, and develop the power to last just as long as you want in bed!
Get Absolute, 100% Control Over Your Ejaculation With Proven, Effective Methods Of Prolonging Sexual Intercourse!
The amazing thing is that control over your ejaculation is not hard to achieve! If you've always ejaculated after a couple of minutes of intercourse, then you might think this is a wild statement to make, but it's true. Any man who is determined enough can stop premature ejaculation and develop the power to make love for just as long or short a time as he and his partner wish during sex. And when you do that, not only do you feel like a powerful, masculine lover, but your partner will find you irresistible in bed!After helping hundreds of men to get control over their ejaculation, I know more about this than most men. Yes, you have to put a little time and effort into controlling your ejaculation, but it's not at all difficult to stop premature ejaculation in its tracks. I assume you want to be a better lover? Let's face it, who doesn't want to last longer during sex? So let me start by telling you some of the things that won't help you:
- Self-hypnosis is an interesting treatment for premature ejaculation. It doesn't cure premature ejaculation by itself, but we know it can help to maintain the gains you've made - and it's very restful and extremely useful for reducing stress, which always helps you perform better in bed! Verdict: Useful in supporting other methods of ejaculation control. Join this site and then try it out - you'll find it helps you last longer. Helps you make sex a prolonged pleasure, not a two minute sprint!
- Herbal pills and potions. There are plenty of websites on the internet which offer you various herbal potions and oils. But there are no scientific studies of any kind which demonstrate that herbal pills or potions will cure premature ejaculation or prolong sex. The simple fact is that they do not work. Unfortunately the owners and operators of these sites can put together a convincing website which fools many people into believing their claims. The only proof you need of how these sites operate comes when you try to get your money back after the pills have proved useless - I know, because I tried both the pills and the money-back guarantee! Please, don't waste your time or your hard-earned money. Verdict: A rip-off. You'll never last longer using these "quick fix" techniques.
- Muscle contractions. If you've ever tried to stop yourself ejaculating by "contracting" your PC muscle (that's the one at the base of your penis which makes you ejaculate), as some systems suggest, you'll already know how useless this approach to treating premature ejaculation actually is. Verdict: A waste of your time. It doesn't work. To make sex last longer, you'd have to do it over and over, leaving little time for sexual pleasure.
- The painful squeeze technique. The classic way of learning to control ejaculation! You or your partner gives a painful squeeze to the glans of your penis every time you're near ejaculation. Well, for those into pain, this might work, but it makes your erection go away, and it's simply inconvenient, even unpleasant. (Like you're going to withdraw from your partner's vagina every time you're near ejaculating, only to get your penis squeezed painfully? I don't think so.) Verdict: Outdated, and painful as well. Certainly makes sex last longer - but not in a good way - you have to wait until your erection returns each time you get a squeeze on your penis!
- The Stop-Start technique. The same sort of thing as above - you're going to withdraw from her vagina every time you get near ejaculation? No, as you know, it doesn't work like that. The temptation to continue thrusting is too strong, and - whoops! There you go again! What's more, if you've actually tried this, you'll know only too well that it takes ages of stopping to overcome a few seconds of starting, so you lose the excitement, the thrill, and the sense of enjoyment from sex. Verdict: Old fashioned, ineffective. Does not help to make sex last longer.
- Anesthetic cream, and desensitizing condoms. In my own search for a cure for premature ejaculation, I tried almost everything I could think of, including the famous desensitizing condoms. They certainly made my penis numb, so I didn't feel a thing, but oddly enough I came just as quickly. That's what most men who try these things say - and the same goes for the lotion you put on your penis, though that has the unfortunate effect of giving your partner a numb vagina as well. Verdict: Cheap but useless.
- Distraction techniques. You've heard the advice telling you to think about the ball game or that list of jobs to do, right? Did it work? No, because it's like trying not to think about something. Try that now - try not to think about an elephant. (There - you see - what did you just think about?) Trying not to think about how near you are to ejaculation simply doesn't.......whoops, there you go! Ejaculating just as quickly as ever. Verdict: Useless.
If You Want To Make Sex Last Longer, Read On.....
We believe it's every man's dream to be a powerful lover - one with the ability to take a woman to the heights of sexual ecstasy, one who can make sex last as long as they both wish. He knows when he is ready to enjoy his orgasm, and he knows when his partner is satisfied. These are all things you can easily learn with the techniques described on this website.As you know, during sex your arousal increases until you reach "the point of no return" where you simply must ejaculate, you have no choice about it. Good control means being able to keep your level of arousal below that point, so you never feel like you have to ejaculate. Instead, with the techniques on this website, you can learn to slow down this headlong flight to ejaculation. You can easily keep your arousal at a level high enough to get the greatest sexual pleasure, while being able to thrust for as long as you want without coming. That's how you make sex last longer! And when you do decide to ejaculate, you simply thrust harder and faster, speed things up, in other words, and you'll then reach a massive climax. (And you'll be proud of the fact that you had total control over when you actually ejaculated!)
So as you can see, the method relies on you learning how to keep your arousal below the point at which you will ejaculate. As we said, it's not hard to do this. There are several easy exercises which you can use, fully explained on this website, which rapidly train you to stay below the "point of no return", the moment when you simply have to ejaculate. Believe me, this system works! And how! Out of a poll of men who signed up with this website, a massive 96% declared themselves "very pleased" with the improvement in their sexual performance. Of the other four percent, responses ranged from "no improvement" to "my wife bought it for me". But hey, you can't win them all. Some men just don't want to be good lovers - or perhaps they'd rather be selfish lovers, leaving their partners unsatisfied, as they ejaculate prematurely, turn over and go to sleep.
![]() | Our program is based on a series of simple exercises, and it's easy to follow. The ejaculatory control you'll achieve is supported by the fact that the program is fun, enjoyable and is a great way of extending (or even introducing) foreplay into your relationship. In fact, the exercises will increase your enjoyment of sex, as they give a new twist to sex play with your partner before you get down to the main event of sexual intercourse - with good ejaculatory control, of course! And to make it even easier, we've included a whole series of photos of the treatment method, illustrated by Alex and Lisa, who signed up for our program, and were so pleased with Alex's new ability to prolong sexual intercourse and control his ejaculation that they offered to model the techniques for us. |
![]() | This means you can see what to do as well as reading the description. And our self-hypnosis program gives you another dimension entirely, because you absorb information that helps you to slow down during sex, not get too aroused, and lets you come with a massive explosion only when the time is right! At the moment you might not even be able to imagine what this would be like! But think about it for a moment - imagine having absolute control over when you ejaculate. Perhaps you haven't enjoyed the wonderful experience of making love without limits and being able to choose when to ejaculate - but that can all change! Our incredibly effective treatment for premature ejaculation will give you complete control and let you enjoy making love for as long as you wish without any unwanted urge to ejaculate! |
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